Fred Thompson Blogburst

December 27, 2007 – Fred Thompson “Blogburst” day! 

Farther down on this page you will find a post entitled “Substance”, Fred Thompson’s newest campaign ad.  Yesterday the campaign brought symbolically brought back the red truck (used in his ’94 Senate campaign) to help raise $248,846 by 6pm on December 28.  This will allow the ad to be shown throughout Iowa until the caucus on January 3.  Prior to that announcement conservative blogger Rick Moran at RightWing Nuthouse had conceived the idea of a “blogburst” for today.  Here’s what Rick had to say:

Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask for your help.All of us know the long odds faced by Fred Thompson in his efforts to win the GOP nomination for president. I’m sure you are all aware that Fred has undertaken pretty much of a do or die bus tour of Iowa in order to finish strongly in the Caucuses on January 3.Many of you have already taken steps to support the Thompson campaign in a tangible way by placing fundraising widgets on your sidebar and writing about the campaign. In this way, each of us alone has done whatever we can to support Fred in his efforts. But at this, the 11th hour of the campaign in Iowa, I think it would be a very effective fundraising tool if as many of us as possible were to participate in an old-fashioned Blogburst, writing a post asking readers to donate to the campaign while embedding a fundraising widget in the post for convenience.

I propose Thursday, December 27 for the Blogburst. If you have an email list, I would urge you to ask your subscribers to donate. If you know of other bloggers who support Fred, please forward this email and ask them to participate as well.

Not expecting a “money bomb” but even a few tens of thousands of dollars would help, I’m sure. Given the number of readers represented in the blogs listed here (where I got all of your email addresses) and your cooperation, I feel confident we can give a real shot in the arm to the campaign.

I don’t think any of us believe that our endorsement of Thompson alone means that much in the long run. But working together, uniting for one day and speaking with one voice, I think we could make a significant impact on Fred’s chances in Iowa. After all, when the candidate you support rolls the dice as Fred has, the least we can do is back his play to the best of our ability.

No need to respond to this email. Just do it.

Merry Christmas,

Rick Moran
Right Wing Nuthouse

As many other conservatives realize Fred Thompson is the ONLY choice for President.  Romney flip-flops, Huckabee plays the “this is what I say even though my record shows differently”, Guiliani is too liberal and is fading fast, and McCain tends to be too soft and middle of the road.  That leaves Fred Dalton Thompson when it comes to conservative principles and values.

So today I urge you to view the new ad, see how Fred is the consistent & true conservative in this race & then donate to the campaign by clicking donate button on the sidebar.

Let’s do what we can to unite all conservatives behind Fred Dalton Thompson!