Appleton Tea Party

Tax Day Tea Party

On the heels of the wildly successful Green Bay Tea Party, Appleton will have it’s own tea party on April 15 (tax day).

From the group site on Facebook.

A day of protest against the wasteful government spending. We will be gathering in the parking lot of Fox Banquets in downtown Appleton at 5:30.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
5:30pm – 7:00pm
Fox Banquets (Parking Lot)
111 E. Kimball
Appleton, WI

To volunteer contact Jim Steineke –

Pass the word to all your family and friends!!

18 thoughts on “Appleton Tea Party

  1. Crap, you posted this four hours ago and I just seen it. I must of been sleeping!

    Great news, I think I can make it after work.

    You did it again, GREAT JOB!

    If there is anything I can do, just let me know.

  2. I’ll pass on info as I get from Jim Steinke who I contacted yesterday morning.

    The H/T should actually go to Jerry because he mentioned it on the show as a special guest yesterday when he announced he’d be speaking at the Madison rally.

    I know AFP is behind the Madison one but wouldn’t it send a better message if we had what Tennessee will on April 15? … details to come in a post.

  3. COOL!!! I was hoping there would be one closer to Green Bay than Madison! Loved attending the Green Bay one last weekend and look forward to attending this one as well. Now to go and spread the word………

  4. woohoo great news. thanks. Does anyone know anything about one in Milwaukee area? oh btw there is a #TeaParty in IRC in Undernet

  5. I was at the Green Bay tea party. Maybe there is hope after all. I would like to see this grow into a national movement. Maybe a 10 million man march. I think Glen Beck might have this in mind. I’m surprised there are only two cities scheduled for tea parties on the 15th. I wonder how many are scheduled for other dates.

    Don’t be afraid to invite all your friends, Republicans, conservatives, Democrats and liberals friends. This is not a partisan issue. This is about all our futures. This is about us, our kids and our grand kids.


  6. This is Great, I was planning on taking a day off from work and driving down to Chicago, even though I would like to go to Chi-ton because it is BO’s home town. I am spreading the word to as many people as I can.

    This Marxist must be stopped. I find it rather ironic that these same thugs who are proposing massive tax increases, do not pay their own taxes. How is it that enough Independants voted for this un-patriotic, un-American Marxist to get elected? The company one keeps usually says alot about you. (Ayers, Wright, Blago) This idiot needs to be thrown out of office. He has no repsect for our Country or Constituiton. We cannot wait for the mid term or next Presidential election. We must act decisively and swiftly!

    Disguisted in Greenville

  7. Some of us in the Sheboygan area would like to come. Can’t get to the Madison one. Any ideas for signs? What did they chant at Green Bay?

  8. It is time that WE THE PEOPLE realize that WE are the masters, and Washington SERVES AT OUR PLEASURE. What does it take for people to REALLY dig in and make sure that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
    It is up to ALL OF US!

  9. Excellent point Todd. The sooner everyone realizes it is “we the people” who are in charge, the sooner “we the people” take action. I think that is starting with these tea parties but it comes down to will the people attending these take that next step and stay involved.

  10. Who will you have speaking??? What will their points be???Based heavily in the Constitution I hope.
    Also open carry is allowed under the constitution,,hmm interesting idea but I don’t think we are into the constitution THAT much to exercise THAT right.
    Love our country???? Interesting, because I despise a big part of our country, yet I am very patriotic.
    I love what our country is founded on, but then again most of those ideals have been betrayed, and WE, the same people protesting Let it happen. I will be there, and if this is just some “well mm we don’t like this” type of rally, you can be damn sure I WILL speak out. If I bring anything, it will say “DONT TREAD ON ME”.
    Oh by the way, I do hold an elected position in Outagamie county.
    I’d be interested in hearing back from you.
    REMEMBER ” THE POWER BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE”! and it is damn time we take it back. Washington serves at OUR pleasure.

  11. Todd,

    All I’m doing is promoting it I have no details other than what is on the promotion flyer in another post. I agree that it’s time the politicians in Washington and Madison for that matter are reminded they serve at our pleasure. Ultimately that will happen at the voting booth. The question is will the majority of those attending these “protests” follow through and take action with their votes come election time.

  12. Had a friend in Milwaukee send me an email telling me about the tea party in Appleton. Too bad I have seen NO ads for this.

    I’ll be there.

  13. Glad to hear you’ll be there William. My understanding is a press release was going out not sure why local media didn’t publish it.

  14. Just over 6 hours to go!!! Got the signs made, the energy level surging and the Club Gitmo shirt out of the closet! Can’t wait to see/meet everyone there!

  15. About time people make a visible show of ridiculous, don’t give a hot “____” spending in Appleton, Wi and Outagamie County. “Damn the torpedoes” is the word of our so called representatives in both organizations.

  16. Brad,
    Thank you for doiing a great job on your promoting this! As much as I wanted to, I decided not to come, I heard Jim on the radio today saying it will be a protest but it will be respectful. I agree with peaceful, but not with respectful. Who in our leadership has earned our respect in this??? WE Americans forget things too soon, and our leaders count on that. Remember the outrage at the bonus’ given to AIG. Well it was Chris Dodd that made the loophole with Timmy Gietner in the loop all the way, yet Dr. Millionaire was so upset thast bonus’ were given, just shows Dr. Kagen didnot read the legislation but cast his vote anyway.I hope this party today to protest taxes will bloom into a fiery but peaceful RAGE at the whole picture(Cause ther is more to the picture, than meets the eye-Niel Young) of what is taking place. Selling out of our soverignty, bowing to other nations wishes, and the UN, CAFTA, NAFTA,(Damn, the movie never ends).It is not just taxes, it is the survival of our constitution and WE the people.Yet who has such courage as to STAND up. Have we lost ourselves??? We need courage from every citizen, the type of courage Washington, Franklin and Jefferson had. Until we reaquire such courage, we DESERVE oure Fate at the hands of our government.

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