Media Blackout on Ground Zero Mosque Rally

The photographs don’t lie: at the 9/11 Rally of Remembrance against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, tens of thousands of people filled the streets. Flags were everywhere, along with numerous homemade signs. Meanwhile, two blocks away, at the counter-protest in favor of the mega-mosque, photographs show that the demonstration was much smaller, and printed signs were in abundance – an unmistakable indication of an astroturfed, professional protest, orchestrated by Communist and Socialist groups (whose printed signs abounded). Yet the mainstream media consistently portrayed these two demonstrations as “dueling rallies,” and even claimed that the pro-mosque ralliers outnumbered those against the mosque. It was yet another indication of how the ostensibly objective press tries to manipulate public opinion.

The Rally of Remembrance, which was organized by Pamela Geller and me as an effort of our Freedom Defense Initiative/Stop Islamization of America organization, featured a great deal that any truly objective reporter might have considered newsworthy. The foremost human interest story of the afternoon was the rousing speech given by Coptic Christian activist Joseph Nassralla. Nassralla garnered national attention last June at the first rally Geller and I hosted against the Ground Zero mosque, when Keith Olbermann and other hard-Left pseudo-journalists trumpeted and misrepresented a misunderstanding between Nassralla and some others in the crowd as a racial incident. Olbermann, Reason magazine’s Cathy Young, and other blinkered ideologues used this incident as proof that those who opposed the mosque were all racist, “Islamophobic” bigots. Indeed, many news outlets ignored the rally altogether except to note the alleged mistreatment of Nassralla.

But as far as the mainstream media is concerned, none of it happened at all. The media elites have lined up solidly behind the mosque, and are telling the uninformed and unwary that anyone who opposes the mosque is an enemy of religious freedom, a bigot, a racist, unwelcome in the company of decent people.

The only problem with this scenario is that the American people refuse to accept it – as illustrated by the thousands who attended the September 11 Rally of Remembrance against the Ground Zero mosque. The very fact of the Rally itself that the mainstream media seems so determined to ignore or minimize itself shows that the media’s propaganda line is failing. There is an ever-widening gap between the goals and agenda of the political elites, and those of ordinary Americans. And Americans are becoming more aware of that widening gap. (Source: Front Page Mag)

Go to the source to read the rest.

Yet another example of how the mainstream media and liberals don’t get it.

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9/11 tribute – Amazing Grace

Nine years have passed since the tragedy of 9/11. NEVER FORGET!

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Ground Zero Mosque: The facts

First, the facts: The organization that will own and operate the “Islamic Cultural Center,” first known as Cordoba House, has not as yet been formed. Although it is claimed by many that both Christians and Jews serve on the board of directors, the reality is that the corporation, which is planned to be tax-exempt under IRS rule 501(c)3, does not yet exist. The man alleged to be the main planner, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, will be one of only 22 planned board members, according to developer Sharif el-Gamal who purchased the land (with an existing building that will be demolished) for Cordoba House with cash. Sharif el-Gamal, who is 37 years old and just a few years ago was waiting tables at a restaurant in New York City, refuses to reveal who furnished the cash to buy the construction site. He has been arrested numerous times on assault charges as well as soliciting for prostitution. El-Gamal is also delinquent on payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars of property tax on the building to be replaced by the Ground Zero mega-mosque.

One of the main financial backers of Sharif el-Gamal is Hisham Elzanaty who holds mortgages on other properties he is developing. Elzanaty owns several medical clinics in New York. The New York office of the Medicare inspector general has sent a summons to Elzanaty claiming that his clinics billed for unsubstantiated charges of $331,336. However, it is unknown if Elzanaty is the individual who has supplied the cash to buy the land at 51 Park. The money could have come from any individual or group anywhere in the world because Sharif el-Gamal refuses to provide any transparency at all. The funds to purchase the land could have come from the family of Osama bin Laden or perhaps the tooth fairy. There are news reports that the actual construction funds will be supplied by the the Ford Foundation and Saudi royalty. (Source: WND)

Do you think it’s wrong to ask the questions raised by this information?

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We Remember

No one is denying the right to build a mosque.  Just don’t spit in the face of Americans by trying to build it at Ground Zero.  Take into consideration the feelings of those who lost loved ones on 9/11 as a result of an attack by Islamic terrorists.  Build it somewhere else.

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